Sewage Disposal and Treatment


  • Hydraulic Engineering
  • Sanitation


Dorsch International Consultants


Town Board of Swinoujscie


From 1992 to 1993

Project Activities

  • Feasibility study
  • Financial study


Dorsch International Consultants GmbH

München (Headquarters)
Landsberger Str. 368
80687 München

Phone: +49 89 5797-0
Fax: +49 89 5797-800
E-Mail: info@dorsch.de

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The town of Swinoujscie is situated at the southern end of the island of Usedom in the north-west of Poland. In the eastern half of the town, at the extreme western end of the island of Wollin, there are major industrial plants (including a large fish factory) as well as port installations and shipyards. The two halfs oft he town are divided by the river Swine. To the south of the island of Wollin lies the small settlement of Karsibor, separated from Wollin by the “Old Swine”.

The purpose of the project awarded to DORSCH CONSULT, in association with a Polish partner firm, was to investigate the technical and economic feasibility of combining the three existing drainage areas and various seaside resorts on the German side of the border on the island of Usedom.

The Economics and Development Planning Department was primarily responsible for the socio-economic analysis of the area of investigation under consideration of the following aspects:

  • population
  • economy and development
  • tourism and industrial facilities
  • industry
  • land use and settlement structure
  • infrastructure
  • existing sewage installations and treatment facilities
  • water supply
  • existing stormwater disposal facilities
  • review of available topographic and cadastral surveys
  • meteorological and oceanographic data.

On the basis of this analysis, together with the design criteria and parameters in respect of:

  • future sewage production
  • stormwater runoff
  • choice of drainage system and treatment of stormwater
  • design of wastewater sewers and pumping stations
  • effluent quality standards and
  • design of sewage treatment works

It was necessary to elaborate 4 development alternatives for the town's future sewerage system, taking into account the various pre-determined responsibilities for the treatment of the existing effluent.

Included in this stage was a calculation of the dynamic cost price which integrated cost estimates (comprising both investment cost and recurrent costs) for each of the four development alternatives.

Following the selection of the optimum solution by the client, under due consideration of the relevant technical and economic constraints, the firm prepared an investment plan for the implementation of this chosen scenario.

As a final service the firm carried out a study on the financing of the applicable measures by means of amixture of financing sources; this included a calculation of the wastewater charges within the communes involved.